Great turn out for the Eastbourne half marathon today with 19 runners: Graham West, Dominic Geer, Nick Wright, Chris Tatnall, Lee Siggs, Tara Twyman, Rachael Hornigold, Court Page, Charlotte Menzies, Richard Page, Vicki Curd, Emma Hyland, Catherine Harker, Chris Lugg, Alex Lickorish, Dayle Bryant, Lorna Ford, Rebecca Stonebanks, Sarah Ballinger.

In the Tunbridge Wells half marathon today, Sonia Edmondson ran 1.55. And a bit further afield in Bruges, Tanya ran 1.21 & Ray 1.56 in a 10 mile race.

On Saturday Lorraine West from Dayle's Monday beginner/joggers group ran her 5th PB in a row in the Eastbourne Parkrun running a time of 40.58 knocking an amazing minute and a half off her previous PB. The beginners/joggers group will be doing a club attendance at the the next Eastbourne Parkrun on Saturday 8 March.

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