Stewart Gasson had a good run in the Eastbourne Parkrun with a tie of 21.51 coming 2nd in the M35 to 40 category. Sarah Ballinger ran the Bexhill Poppy 10k in a personal best of 53.30, well done Sarah/ Hephzi Toby ran the Bexhill Poppy half marathon finshing 2nd in her age category. 

On Sunday a club run was organised to the remembrance service at the Airmans Grave at Ashdown Forest at which the club was laying a wreath. There was a strong turnout for the run with about 20 runners. The sun shone and it was a super day for the run. The option were the main group for a run of about 6 miles round trip from Fairwarp or the option of a longer 17 mile round trip from Buxted. Hephzi opted for the longer run in spite of having run the Poppy half marathon the day before, either dedicated or just a glutten for punishment. 

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