It was another great Christmas party at Crockstead, good food, good company and some great shapes on the dance floor. Following the meal the trophies and awars were made as follows:
Cross Country 2016/17
1st - Jamie Keddie
2nd - Richard Coates
3rd - Graham West
1st - Catherine Harker
2nd - Tanya Edmondson
3rd - Christine Tait
Sussex Grand Prix 2017
1st - Richard Coates
2nd - Graham West
3rd - Stewart Gasson
1st - Catherine Harker
2nd - Sam Kedwards
3rd - Christine Tait
The most improved runner awards for this year were:
Dayle’s group: Fatima Nixon
Tuesday group: Sara Patience and Max Williams
Emma’s group: Becky Pettitt.
Laura Grove won the London marathon place.
Gift tokens were given to Dayle, Emma and Lorraine for their commitment to our club.
Also a very special award of vouchers donated by Hephzi were given to Sam and Chris who have contributed the most to our club this year through their inspiration to others. What comes to mind is their dedication to help Kim Burgess through her training in the Beachy Head marathon this year with Kim having only time to do one 10 mile training run and finishing the gruelling 26 miles over the Downs. All very well deserved. And well done Kim.
See Photos tab for more pictures