Below is a summary of events.
Also see
1. For summary of weekly training and weekend trail runs see training page.
2. For schedules of main races the club attends see Combined Event list
3. Click here Sussex Grand Prix
Click on buttons above for Sussex Grand Prix, cross country events or combined list of races we support over next few months including Sussex Grand Prix and cross country plus some other events. The lists include links to entry and links to results of previous events. The Results tab gives results for Uckfield Runners.
A general overview is set out below
Races we are organising / involved in
Weald Challenge Races 09 June 2024 (trail half marathon run along Wealdway and Vanguard Way) The Weald Challenge Trail Races will be organised by Uckfield Runners from 2024. In previous years the event was orgainsed by Trail Running Sussex and Uckfield Runners provided the marshals
The race start and finish is in the village of Chiddingly and encompass the surrounding beauty of the Sussex countryside en route. The courses is approximately 80% off-road. The Start time is 9.15am
There is race limit of 400 (time limit 5 hours). Race entries close when the limit is reached so early entry is recommended.
For full details click on the Weald Challenge tab
If you are an Uckfield Runner and wish to volunteer we will require 26 marshals. A google form will be set up in the new year to register your interest
New place Farm Cross country 17 December 2023 5 mile race 3 of 6 of the East Sussex Cross Country League.
Pump Lane, Framfield, Nr Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 5RH Map. 11am start. Enter on the day (unless you have pre entered all 6 cross country races) £5 if attached, £7 is not attached: minimum age 17year. Junior race (about 1mile) 10.30 am Free (if have England Athletics race registration number: £2 if not and age 13 or over).
The course is 5 miles of undulating Farmland. There are no substantial hills. It is all off road, it is suitable for spikes (there are two crossing of tarmac farm roads).
We need a minimum of 30 volunteers. However Central Park Athletics will provide some volunteers
To volunteer click here and complete the online form
To download details of the various roles click here
To download a course map with marshal positions click here
To download a diagram of the finish area click here
To download the leaflet for the event click here
Races we participate in
For those members who do wish to compete the two main events we participate in as a club are the Sussex Grand Prix and the East Sussex Sunday Cross Country league.
Sussex Grand Prix
The Sussex Grand Prix consists mainly of road races from 4 to 20 miles (there are 2 off road events). You score based on the best eight performances from about 20 races. There are both team and individual placings at the end of the year. For list of events Click here
East Sussex Sunday Cross Country League
The East Sussex cross country league consist of six cross country races all of about 5 miles. We have competed as a combined team with Heathfield Runners since 2002/03. Last Season 2021/22 the teamfinished second. A team consists of 12 men and 8 ladies across different age categories up to V60 so we are always looking for members who don’t mind a bit of mud. For cross-country events click here
Other events
Members compete in various other events off road and on road, from 5k to full marathons including the Steyning Stinger, London, Paris, Rome, and Beachy Head Marathons. For a combined list of events click here